Friday, October 10, 2008

You Can Always Count on 538

The guys at 538 always know how to improve your spirits.  Today, Sean Quinn comments on the McCain/Obama ground game:
Despite tens of thousands of "Neighborhood Team Leaders," and an entire organizing outreach tool actually named "Neighbor to Neighbor," Barone apparently fervently hopes Obama has no peer-to-peer efforts:
"The most successful recent turnout drive was that of the Bush-Cheney '04 campaign, which relied on peer-to-peer volunteers, local people who made connections with neighbors with whom they had something in common (fellow members of a particular church, fellow accountants, nearby neighbors). The Obama campaign, in contrast, seems to be depending on youthful volunteers who seem unlikely to have such connections."
Wow. They. Are. So. F#$%ed.
Indeed. As I've commented before, the Obama team is ingenious when it comes to using new technology and GOTV models.

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