Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why the GOP Needs Fear

Nate Silver's recent analysis gives us some idea why the GOP spends so much time trying to scare us all about national security.  Turns out "Security Issues" may be the glue that holds the party together:

A Noun a Verb and Nancy Pelosi?

Can someome explain to me why looping in Nancy Pelosi makes torture OK? Seems like this is the only argument the GOP loyalists are using anymore. Strikes me as delusional and sad. (Sigh.)

Friday, May 8, 2009

More on Generational Politics

Gallup has a new poll on party affiliation by age. Interestingly, GenX is more Republican than GenY or the Boomers:

Although Democrats currently enjoy a party identification advantage over Republicans among Americans at every age between 18 to 85, the Democrats' greatest advantages come among those in their 20s and baby boomers in their late 40s and 50s. Republicans, on the other hand, come closest to parity with Democrats among Generation Xers in their late 30s and early 40s and among seniors in their late 60s.