Sunday, October 12, 2008

More on ACORN and GOP Voter Suppression

Glenn Smith at firedoglake expands the argument that the ACORN story is a dangerous distraction:
Judging from big media's slobbering acceptance of right wing attacks on ACORN's voter registration efforts, it remains a far greater sin in America to be suspected of voter registration misdeeds than to forcibly and publicly, through deception and armed muscle, keep a registered citizen from voting.

Why is this?

Republican's are brazen. They conduct their voter suppression campaigns in the open. Voter roll purges. Phone calls into minority neighborhoods on election day giving inaccurate polling locations. Armed thugs hired to play police or border patrol agents at the polls. Black people harassed by the cops on their way to vote.

Paul Weyrich, one of the acknowledged architects of the right wing ascendancy, said bluntly (in the video above), "I don't want everybody to vote...our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." Well, that's about as undemocratic a sentiment as can be heard in a democracy.
Here's the video he references:

This is the heart of the republican "GOTV" effort.  They know that their policies are supported by only a minority of citizens; that they can only win a majority of voters.  I couldn't make the argument for showing up on Election Day any better myself.

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