Sunday, October 31, 2010

This Morning in the TweeParty

Apparently, there's some drama in Alaska surrounding the "Lamestream Media":
@: Thanks idiot progs, CBS NON-journalists AND smugbot Amanpour et al! You basically just guaranteed a Joe Miller win!!! Yay!!! #teaparty

: Liberals are imploding all over the nation, desparate as all hell. Look at what's happening with the reporters up in Alaska. #tcot #teaparty
And they're wound up about Stewart and Colbert:
@: Wow. If discouraged Americans get a whiff of that Colbert/Stewart pompous arrogance on display yesterday.... oy. #Teaparty #tcot #sgp
Not surprisingly the voter fraud hysteria has continued:
@Dataaide PLS watch your polls! Grassroots org Uncovers Large Amnt of Voter Fraud in Houston !- #tcot #teaparty #vote

: 27% Believe in Ghosts but 100% of Dem candidates rely on them #tcot #ocra #sgp #p2 #tlot #phnm

@dhrxsol1234 Dems believe in GHOST voting! #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp
And the racism has gotten thick at the end of the links: (Truth here: )

Meanwhile, actual candidates are getting in the act:

ed4congress Voter Fraud: What to look for, what to do - #TeaParty #MO3 #StLouis #TCOT

And frighteningly, after the media is destroyed, these idiots intend to target our schools:
@EighthSign Two days until old media, as an indoctrination tool of the socialist left, is declared impotent. #teaparty Public education is next!

I guess because of their Islamophobia (or something):

@: 'Islam At Gates Because Of Collapse Of West' ~ #tcot #ocra #teaparty #patriot
Meanwhile, the top tweeple continue to push failed ideas:
@: Deregulation, Not Renewable Energy Mandates, Will Best Protect Both Economy and Environment #p2 #tcot #teaparty #ocra
And project socialism onto the most pragmatic administration in a generation:
@: The Obama's donate 1% of their income to charities and 100% of your Tax Money to everyone else. #tcot #p2 #teaparty #Politics #independents
@: Saying NO to socialism and failed policies is not obstructionist, it is your patriotic duty. #ocra #tcot #TWISTERS
Interestingly, they've rediscovered the sources of their own "anti-communist" rhetoric and point to it as proof of Obama's communist plan to destroy America:
@: #Obama is a repeat of #communist #history: This 1939 Chicago Tribune cartoon proves it #tcot #cwot #tlot #teaparty
Then they evoke their favorite model of policy, France, to agree with Obama on a blended energy solution, but as an implicit attack on Obama:
@: 78% of France's power comes from NUCLEAR generation. Why not America? teaparty #twisters #912 #tcot #ocra #sgp #patriot #ampat
Scared yet? What until Wednesday, then.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This Morning in the TweeParty

The TweeBaggers are in a good mood this morning:

CSteven WARNING! If you get an email that says "Pelosi Naked" DO NOT OPEN! It really IS a pic of Pelosi naked #tcot #ocra #teaparty #twisters #ampat

7Lynwood Since science has doc'd. Liberals have a defective gene, do they Q. for Hndicpt. bennies? --> #hhrs #twisters #tcot

Q. How do you starve a liberal? A. Put his foodstamps under his work boots. #humor #tcot #teaparty #tlot

: Keep voting legal==>Wear an I.C.E. t-shirt to the voting polls and watch the Dems scatter!! #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp #ocra #wasen
Ha, ha! Get it! Liberals are lazy foreign retards who look horrible naked!

Oh, and they're still obsessed with imagined voter fraud:

gailtalk Dems Final Recourse:Massive Vote Fraud Stealing votes threatens the republic itself. In a saner time .. #tcot #teaparty

: Voter Fraud Watch: A Primer on What to Watch For #tcot #teaparty
As I've mentioned repeatedly, the voter fraud crap is hysterical nonsense:
: I know objective reporting is not hip, but TPM has a non-hysterical site for voter fraud stories

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This Morning in the TweeParty

This morning, the Tea Party has a serious obsession with imagined "voter fraud"
: The #election theft is under way - TPN: #teaparty #tcot #pollsters #November #ocra Conservative #republican #FNC #GOP

BACFA Liberals are violating the civil rights of voters by encouraging illegal votes #teaparty #tcot @ #gop #vote #vote2010 #gotv2010

JosephAGallant Sharron Angle campaign: Reid’s trying to steal the election by hook or crook « Hot Air: via @ #teaparty #gop

Wilfner Voting Machine Irregularities - Machines Changing Votes From GOP to Dem (Video) #teaparty #anystreet #twisters

dhrxsol1234 There will be voting recounts and missing ballots "found" (WATCH CLARK COUNTY) !!! until Reid wins! #nvsen #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp

: There will be voting recounts and missing ballots "found" (WATCH KING COUNTY) !!! until Patty wins! #wasen #wcot #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp

: Systematic absentee-voter fraud uncovered in #PA #tcot #tpp #teaparty
But don't worry, there's an app for that:
: Download the American Majority Action Voter Fraud app for your droid or iphone & stop #voterfraud #tcot #tpp #majority

: Protect your rights, check out @'s new Vote Fraud App #tpp #majority #tcot

This is what they do every cycle. As I've mentioned repeatedly, it's not just hysteria, it's a motivator for real GOP-driven voter suppression.