Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tea Party Hysteria

Think the Tea Party movement isn't dangerous? Think again:
Politicians courting the Tea Party movement are also alluding to Patriot dogma. At a Tea Party protest in Las Vegas, Joe Heck, a Republican running for Congress, blamed both the Democratic and Republican Parties for moving the country toward “socialistic tyranny.” In Texas, Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican seeking re-election, threw his support behind the state sovereignty movement. And in Indiana, Richard Behney, a Republican Senate candidate, told Tea Party supporters what he would do if the 2010 elections did not produce results to his liking: “I’m cleaning my guns and getting ready for the big show. And I’m serious about that, and I bet you are, too.”

Update: Seriously, a "Ruby Ridge II" would be tame compared to how this shit'll blow up. These people want to Tea Bag you ... open wide!

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