Tuesday, August 4, 2009

So You Say You Want a Revolution, Part 3

So I finally read the final link in that birther "rebuttal" from a few days ago. I've already commented on how patently stupid these people are--and this observation was indeed borne-out upon a close read of the document. It's just a bunch of the same old question-begging discourse: "Obama must be a ferner 'cause he ain't proved he ain't". Not persuasive to anyone with an intact capacity for critical thought. But this passage still jumped out at me:

There are TWO reasons why the “birther” movement is EXPLODING instead of going away, despite daily attacks and name calling from the lamestream press.

  • The Constitution, including Article II -Section I either stands or it doesn’t.
  • The people are watching the utter hourly destruction of their nation in Washington DC and they need a peaceful way to end that destruction legally, before things become violent.

The flaw in the left’s plan to change the Unites States into a secular socialist One World Order is they have foolishly underestimated the desire for freedom and liberty in the hearts and minds of most Americans.

I've written about this sentiment and it's dangers ad nauseum. Remember these guys?

They're the same racist asshats. Read a book!

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