Thursday, October 28, 2010

This Morning in the TweeParty

The TweeBaggers are in a good mood this morning:

CSteven WARNING! If you get an email that says "Pelosi Naked" DO NOT OPEN! It really IS a pic of Pelosi naked #tcot #ocra #teaparty #twisters #ampat

7Lynwood Since science has doc'd. Liberals have a defective gene, do they Q. for Hndicpt. bennies? --> #hhrs #twisters #tcot

Q. How do you starve a liberal? A. Put his foodstamps under his work boots. #humor #tcot #teaparty #tlot

: Keep voting legal==>Wear an I.C.E. t-shirt to the voting polls and watch the Dems scatter!! #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp #ocra #wasen
Ha, ha! Get it! Liberals are lazy foreign retards who look horrible naked!

Oh, and they're still obsessed with imagined voter fraud:

gailtalk Dems Final Recourse:Massive Vote Fraud Stealing votes threatens the republic itself. In a saner time .. #tcot #teaparty

: Voter Fraud Watch: A Primer on What to Watch For #tcot #teaparty
As I've mentioned repeatedly, the voter fraud crap is hysterical nonsense:
: I know objective reporting is not hip, but TPM has a non-hysterical site for voter fraud stories

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