Saturday, April 3, 2010

GOP Projection

If you want to see GOP projection at its finest, I suggest reading Breitbart's latest shitpile:
The first Alinsky president is now using surrogates to split this nation into two hostile parties so he can puppeteer the have-nots against the perceived haves.


Linking the health-care bill, which has nothing to do with black and white, to the divisive civil-rights period, while simultaneously accusing its opponents of being racist, is an evil strategy — literally. Charles Manson would approve.


The media is doing their job for them by speaking of an unhinged white Tea Party mob. Absent any evidence other than creatively selected hand-crafted signs from the fringe of the audience that are presented to represent the whole, the media is simply repeating assumptions that Democrats and media elites have against fly-over types. What we have here is hardcore media elitism mixed with politically correct class warfare.


Change the subject, misdirection, their side caught with their pants around their ankles, don’t look there media, there’s nothing to see here.


The Democratic party has been exposed as trying to create a Kristallnacht to save the Obama presidency along the fault line of race and the essence of the First Amendment. If the GOP does not have the intestinal fortitude to fight back, a growing number of disenchanted and disenfrachised Tea Party participants will have to do it themselves.


The only good thing to come of this is that we can now officially put to rest the laughable notion that Obama was going to be the first post-racial president.
I imagine it's really painful to be so full of shit. How do we know Breitbart is full of shit? Because he continues to lie about the ACORN affair :
I am still dealing with the same press telling me we didn’t prove that ACORN was aiding and abetting criminal activity because we “did not provide enough audio and video evidence.” (Insert laugh track.)
And objective third-party evidence to the contrary continues to accumulate. The Attorney General of California concurs:

While the secretary of state's office found four instances of voter fraud in San Diego during the 2008 election campaign, the attorney general's report found no "evidence of actual fraudulent votes being cast."

Brown's office did not determine whether the filmmakers violated the state's privacy laws but criticized them for creating "heavily edited films" that overstated the goings-on at ACORN.

"The evidence illustrates," Brown said, "that things are not always as partisan zealots portray them through highly selective editing of reality. Sometimes a fuller truth is found on the cutting room floor."

Objective facts illustrate that the ACORN tapes were entirely fabricated! Nevertheless, Breitbart sees his treatment on that matter as a double standard:
Is there not a blatant double standard at play here? Nancy Pelosi tipped her hand that race was a central part of her strategy. She invoked the Civil Rights Act and compared it with the universally reviled health care bill. Her caucus is doubling down on the civil-rights rhetoric. There are no coincidences. [Emphasis mine.]
It's amazing how often their line of attack betrays subconscious guilt. But why spend all morning on Friday writing an essay arguing that the Democrats are engaged in aggressive propaganda efforts to discredit the Tea Party? Easy ... to rationalize the next move:
Who is calling the shots here? Is it the White House, by way of Chicago? Or is it Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? The press refused to tell you the truth about this president. It refused to tell you of his proud adherence to the teachings of the original Chicago “community organizer” Saul Alinsky. We have now entered the first full-fledged Alinsky presidency. The only way to beat Alinsky is with Alinsky. The Democrats and President Obama will not give up this tack. Do you think the GOP will win the day in November and in 2012 if its strategy is to apologize for every manufactured “right wing fringe” outrage?

With President Obama over the last week calling attention to the Tea Parties and their “heated” rhetoric, he has officially connected himself to the civil war his minions have flailingly attempted to inflame. [Emphasis mine.]
Are you fucking kidding me?

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