Tuesday, September 1, 2009

GOP Cynicism versus Reality

Here's the cynical gambit currently being played by hawks on the right:

Our guess, however, is that Cheney overstates when he says "so many Americans have doubts." We'd venture that for most people the Obama administration's see-no-evil approach is comforting. After years of fear and vigilance, it's nice to be able to relax and not worry so much about terrorism.

It's nice--but potentially dangerous. If the Bush administration's policies really did keep us safe for 7½ years, then it stands to reason that the Obama administrations' policies may be endangering us now. Certainly that is how the public would see it in the event of another terrorist attack.

If that happens, heaven forbid, Obama will be seen to have failed in the most basic presidential duty, and the Bush administration will be vindicated. As inconceivable as it may seem today, the 2012 election may end up turning on national security. Republicans would be wise to nominate someone with both toughness and experience. Under such circumstances, it's hard to think of a better candidate--assuming, of course, that he could be persuaded to run--than Richard B. Cheney.

I find it telling that Republicans have been reduced to betting on a terror attack and pushing for revolution or secession. These guys have some fucked up "wishful thinking."

For those of you keeping score at home ... here's the perspective of our actual National Security Adviser (a Republican):
Responding to criticism from former Vice President Cheney that President Obama is making the nation more vulnerable to terrorism, the president’s National Security Adviser, Gen. Jim Jones (Ret.), told ABC News in an exclusive interview that actually the reverse is true: President Obama’s greater success with international relations has meant more terrorists put out of commission.

“This type of radical fundamentalism or terrorism is a threat not only to the United States but to the global community,” Jones said. “The world is coming together on this matter now that President Obama has taken the leadership on it and is approaching it in a slightly different way – actually a radically different way – to discuss things with other rulers to enhance the working relationships with law enforcement agencies – both national and international."

Jones said that “we are seeing results that indicate more captures, more deaths of radical leaders and a kind of a global coming-together by the fact that this is a threat to not only the United States but to the world at-large and the world is moving toward doing something about it.”

With or without a new terror attack, it's the current administration that is bringing more real security to the world--not just the appearance of security that comes with a heavy hand.

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